
Subic Bay • Olongapo Travel and info map

Scale 1:8,000 – 1:16,000; Highly detailed to easily navigate to and around Olongapo City,; the Subic Bay Freeport Zone, Barrio Barretto and the Zambales ...

maps of subic bay and the area

MAPS OF SUBIC BAY AND THE AREA. The maps on this page will show you how the area was during and after the base had been closed.

Subic Bay

Subic Bay is a bay on the west coast of the island of Luzon in the Philippines, about 100 kilometers (62 mi) northwest of Manila Bay. Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority · Subic Bay International Airport · US Naval Base

Subic Bay Maps

Maps of Subic Bay, Subic Freeport, Barrio Barretto, Baloy Beach, Olongapo, Subic Town, Zambales and Bataan.

Map of Subic Bay Freeport Zone

See 10 top attractions and places to visit, 10 best restaurants, and more on our interactive tourist map of Subic Bay Freeport Zone.

Map of Subic Bay

Map of Subic Bay. Olongapo City.png. Here-Subic Bay Barrio Barretto & Baloy Beach Map.png. Here-Subic Bay Subic Town Map 2020.png. Here -Subic Bay Map 2023.

Subic Bay | Philippines, Map, Naval Base, & Facts

The bay is located 35 miles (55 km) northwest of the mouth of Manila Bay and extends northward into the Luzon coastline. Rice, corn (maize), and ...

Hotels map Subic Bay, Philippines Philippines

Subic Bay Map - Tourist Map of hotels and tourist attractions of Subic Bay, Philippines, Philippines. Interactive Map, road and geographical Subic Bay offered ...

Hotels and Attractions on a Subic Bay Freeport Zone map

Map of Subic Bay Freeport Zone area hotels: Locate Subic Bay Freeport Zone hotels on a map based on popularity, price, or availability, and see Tripadvisor ...


Scale1:8,000–1:16,000;HighlydetailedtoeasilynavigatetoandaroundOlongapoCity,;theSubicBayFreeportZone,BarrioBarrettoandtheZambales ...,MAPSOFSUBICBAYANDTHEAREA.Themapsonthispagewillshowyouhowtheareawasduringandafterthebasehadbeenclosed.,SubicBayisabayonthewestcoastoftheislandofLuzoninthePhilippines,about100kilometers(62mi)northwestofManilaBay.SubicBayMetropolitanAuthority·SubicBayInternationalA...